This Italian Chicken Pasta Salad is easy, ready in 20 minutes, and showcases some of my favorite summer ingredients. It's perfect for summer potlucks and...
Tender, juicy chicken bathed in a rich garlic butter sauce with a splash of wine for extra flavor!! This EASY stovetop chicken recipe is ready in 15 minutes...
An EASY, one-skillet curry that's ready in 20 minutes and tastes BETTER than a restaurant!! Juicy chicken and tender sweet potatoes simmer in a lime-scented...
Lemon Butter Garlic Chicken Pasta - Buttery pasta with juicy chicken, flavored with lemon butter and garlic, and finished with Parmesan cheese!! A family-friendly...
Stop calling for takeout or going to the mall food court and make this AMAZING sticky chicken at home in 15 minutes!! So EASY with the perfect balance...
There are all sorts of casserole recipes out there, but this one is a little different. This Mexican casserole with tortillas will tantalize your taste...
Super juicy, EASY, tender chicken that's ready in FAST and made on ONE sheet pan!! Bursting with robust Mexican-inspired lime-cilantro flavors that will...
The stir fry reminds me of so many popular restaurant dishes, except with far less salt, fat, grease, and more budget-friendly. It's a fast, easy recipe...
EASY, ready in 15 minutes, and amps up rice and beans with an abundance of vegetables!! Healthy, Mexican-inspired food that tastes like comfort food and...
If you love tortellini alfredo, wait until you get a bite of this! You can get my favorite recipe for Cheesy Shrimp Tortellini Alfredo Skillet Recipe....
Skip the restaurant version and make lettuce wraps at home in 20 minutes!! EASY, healthier because you're controlling the ingredients, and they TASTE...
Juicy steak with sweet bell peppers, onions, zucchini, and pineapple for the PERFECT sweet-and-savory kabob!! You'll want to fire up your grill for these!...
Two kinds of beans, juicy corn and tomatoes, crisp peppers, and green onions are tossed in a lime-chili-cumin vinaigrette that's perfectly light. Great...
These Baked Chicken Nuggets are coated in a mixture of Panko breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan, which makes them extra flavorful and crispy! Dunk them in...
EASY, ready in 10 minutes, and the chicken is just spicy enough with that perfect BBQ chicken flavor!! Grilled peppers on the side makes for the PERFECT...
The flavors in this dish just scream warm and sunny tropical island. It's a fast, easy recipe that the whole family will love and it's ready in less than...
Chickpea and Kale Thai Coconut Curry - An EASY one-skillet vegan curry that's ready in 15 minutes and has fabulous Thai-inspired flavors!! Low-cal, low-carb,...
An EASY vegan recipe ready in 30 minutes that makes it easy to eat your veggies while enjoying the comforts of pasta, too!! The lemon and basil make the...
EASY, ready in 20 minutes, and BETTER than takeout!! Tender rice noodles, juicy chicken, with crisp-tender carrots, cabbage, and more for an IRRESISTIBLE...
This roast is so simple, it only takes about 15 minutes from start to finish. You'll have a delicious dinner and leftovers that are a great alternative...
This Best Southern Fried Chicken Batter is my favorite thing to make when it comes to frying chicken! It's very easy to prepare! The result was outstanding!...
Looking for Juiciest Pressure Cooker Chicken Thighs Recipe? Then you are in luck. These pressure cooker chicken thighs are so tender and juicy, you will...
This easy crescent roll taco bake only requires few ingredients and takes about 30 minutes to make from start to finish. So, go ahead and add this dish...